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Talks, Dates, other Events

 Title   Type 
Event The test function conjecture for parahoric local models Event
Event tba Event
Event Abelian varieties: Constructions inspired by super-string theory Event
Event tba Event
Event Littlewood-Richardson rule for minuscule Schubert calculus Event
Event Moduli spaces and torus actions Event
Event A gentle introduction to overconvergent modular forms Event
Event Algebraic groups Event
Event Hermitian symmetric domains and conjugacy classes Event
Event Hodge structures and hermitian symmetric domains Event
Event Continuous functions and measures on Z_p Event
Event The Poisson kernel and harmonic cochains Event
Event Chern numbers of a singular fiber, modular invariants and isotrivial families of curves Event
Event Dwork congruences for reflexive Polytopes Event
Event A new approach to Witt vectors and the relative de Rham Witt complex Event
Event Sylvester Gallai Theorem for higher degree curves Event
Event Homological projective duality and categorical joins Event
Event Enumerative geometry of curves: old and new Event
Event Tropical and non-Archimedean geometry (2) Event
Event Brill-Noether-Petri curves on K3 surfaces Event
Event The Lubin-Tate tower of adic spaces Event
Event Introduction to Arthur's endoscopic classification Event
Event tba Event
Event Multivariable (φ,Γ)-modules and smooth o-torsion representations Event
Event Talk cancelled Event
Event Projective spaces over split forms of division algebras Event
Event Vector Bundles over Rigid Analytic Varieties Event
Event First steps towards abstract representation theory Event
Event Arthur’s symplectic orthogonal alternative and global parameters Event
Event Truncated shifted Yangians and Nakajima monomial crystals Event
Event Global Arthur packets and the multiplicity formula Event
Event Uniformity of stably integral points Event
Event Prym varieties of non-cyclic triple coverings Event
Event Coxeter groups, Soergel bimodules and higher representation theory Event
Event Monoidal cofibrant resolutions of dg algebras Event
Event Singularities of quiver Grassmannians II Event
Event Density II Event
Event The classicity criterion for type A Event
Event The Bonn Representation Theory Seminar Event
Event The Bonn Representation Theory Seminar Event
Event Del Pezzo surfaces and their mirrors Event
Event Oberseminar Complex Geometry Event
Event Tilting on singular rational projective curves Event
Event KR-strata and EO-strata in the Siegel case, 3 Event
Event Intersection cohomology as sheaf cohomology Event
Event Aspects of the irregular Hodge filtration Event
Event On the birational geometry of parameter spaces for complete intersections Event
Event Foliations and the Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture Event
Event GIT-like stability criteria on algebraic stacks Event
Event Hypertoric geometry and Ringel duality Event
Event The local Langlands correspondence Event
Event RZ-spaces and Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties Event
Event On the uniqueness of non-degenerate potentials for mutation-finite quivers Event
Event Motivic invariants of algebraic groups and their finite subgroups Event
Event The Atkin-Lehner operator U_p and the Hecke algebra I Event
Event The Atkin-Lehner operator U_p and the Hecke algebra II Event
Event Fredholm theory Event
Event Pseudo-representations I Event
Event p-divisible groups (Barsotti-Tate groups) Event
Event Witt vectors and Witt covectors Event
Event Dieudonné theory for finite - and p-divisble groups over perfect field Event
Event Curves and cycles on K3 surfaces vs. A recent intrusion of algebraic geometry into stable homotopy theory Event
Event Differential forms for singular varieties Event
Event Tropical Curve Counts and a Frobenius Structure on Cluster Varieties. Event
Event Picard groups of moduli spaces Event
Event Positivity of direct image and Kodaira dimension Event
Event Classification of meromorphic differential equations Event
Event Introduction to p-adic Hodge theory, part 2 of 6 Event
Event Introduction to p-adic Hodge theory, part 4 of 6 Event
Event The convolution product and tannakian functor Event
Event The Demazure roots of a spherical embedding Event
Event Arithmetic moduli of Enriques surfaces, 2. Event
Event Doktorandentreffen (Meeting of PhD students) Event
Event Langlands-Kottwitz method and formal deformation spaces of p-divisible groups, 1 Event
Event The Gross-Zagier formula and Borcherds products Event
Event Small points on varieties Event
Event Recollements from generalized tilting Event
Event Multiplicity-free super vector spaces Event
Event Tensor products of matrix factorisations and Riemann-Roch Event
Event tba Event
Event Overview and motivation Event
Event Analysis of sigma_1 Event
Event Equality of L and epsilon factors almost everywhere implies equality of pairs everywhere Event
Event Weights and pure sheaves Event
Event Rational curves on K3 surfaces after Bogomolov, Mumford, Mori, Mukai Event
Event G-sets and finite W-algebras Event
Event On the geometric Satake equivalence, 2 Event
Event Quivers, Clusters, and their Mutations Event
Event On the arithmetic fundamental lemma in the minuscule case II Event
Event Local models after Pappas and Zhu: Affine Grassmannians Event
Event Perfectoid algebras I Event
Event Derived categories and Kashiwara’s theorem Event
Event Computing mixed Hodge structures on singular hypersurfaces Event
Event On the factorization of p-adic L-series Event
Event Equivariant invariants of external and symmetric products of quasi-projective varieties Event
Event Complex multiplication and K3 surfaces over finite fields Event
Event Comparing the motives of Voevodsky and Nori Event
Event Jarek Buczyński (IMPAN) Event
Event On I/OM (Ihara/Oda-Matsumoto Conjecture) Event
Event Partial Hasse invariants and partial degrees Event
Document Actions
March 2020 »