17 |
2014 |
GV-subschemes and their embeddings in principally polarized abelian varieties |
Luigi Lombardi |
16 |
2014 |
A note on the abundance conjecture |
Tobias Dorsch
Vladimir Lazić |
15 |
2014 |
The Fano variety of lines and rationality problem for a cubic hypersurface |
Evgeny Shinder |
14 |
2014 |
P-functor versions of the Nakajima operators |
Andreas Krug |
13 |
2014 |
Birational Geometry of Singular Moduli Spaces of O'Grady Type |
Ziyu Zhang |
12 |
2014 |
On the derived category of the Hilbert scheme of points on an Enriques surface |
Andreas Krug
Pawel Sosna |
11 |
2014 |
On Global Deformations of Quartic Double Solids |
Tobias Dorsch |
10 |
2014 |
Spherical functors on the Kummer surface |
Andreas Krug |
9 |
2014 |
The Moduli of Singular Curves on K3 Surfaces |
Michael Kemeny |
8 |
2014 |
Theta divisors with curve summands and the Schottky problem |
Stefan Schreieder |
7 |
2014 |
On the Beauville conjecture |
Ulrike Riess |
6 |
2014 |
Hilbert-Samuel multiplicities of certain deformation rings |
Fabian Sander |
5 |
2014 |
Degeneration of the modified diagonal cycle |
Stefan Müller-Stach |
4 |
2014 |
Invariant deformation theory of affine schemes with reductive group action |
Christian Lehn
Ronan Terpereau |
3 |
2014 |
Bernstein-Sato polynomials and test modules in positive characteristic |
Axel Stäbler
Manuel Blickle |
2 |
2014 |
Rank two graded Higgs bundles with maximal Higgs field and uniformizations of p-adic curves |
Mao Sheng
Guitang Lan
Kang Zuo
Yanhong Yang |
1 |
2014 |
On Shimura subvarieties generated by families of abelian covers of P1 |
Abdolfazl Mohajer
Kang Zuo |
33 |
2013 |
The critical CoHA of a self dual quiver with potential |
Ben Davison |
32 |
2013 |
Purity of critical cohomology and Kac's conjecture |
Ben Davison |
31 |
2013 |
On derived categories of K3 surfaces, symplectic automorphisms and the Conway group |
Daniel Huybrechts |
30 |
2013 |
Purity for graded potentials and quantum cluster positivity |
Ben Davison, Davesh Maulik, Joerg Schuermann, Balazs Szendroi |
29 |
2013 |
A note on the Kähler and Mori cones of hyperkähler manifolds |
Giovanni Mongardi |
28 |
2013 |
Twisted cubics on cubic fourfolds |
Christian Lehn
Duco van Straten
Christoph Sorger,
Manfred Lehn |
27 |
2013 |
On natural deformations of symplectic automorphisms of manifolds of K3^[n] type |
Giovanni Mongardi |
26 |
2013 |
Supersingular K3 Surfaces are Unirational |
Christian Liedtke |
25 |
2013 |
Multiplicative sub-Hodge structures of conjugate varieties |
Stefan Schreieder |
24 |
2013 |
On the Chow ring of birational irreducible symplectic varieties |
Ulrike Riess |
23 |
2013 |
ACM bundles on cubic threefolds and fourfolds containing a plane |
Emanuele Macrì
Marti Lahoz-Vilalta |
22 |
2013 |
Curves and cycles on K3 surfaces |
Daniel Huybrechts |
21 |
2013 |
New derived autoequivalences of Hilbert schemes and generalised Kummer varieties |
Andreas Krug |
20 |
2013 |
MMP for moduli of sheaves on K3s via wall-crossing: nef and movable cones, Lagrangian fibrations |
Emanuele Macrì |
19 |
2013 |
On the construction problem for Hodge numbers |
Stefan Schreieder |
18 |
2013 |
On Artin representations and nearly ordinary Hecke algebras over totally real fields |
Shu Sasaki |
17 |
2013 |
Modularity lifting results in parallel weight one and applications to the Artin conjecture: the tamely ramified case |
Shu Sasaki |
16 |
2013 |
The image of Colmez's Montreal functor |
Vytautas Paškūnas |
15 |
2013 |
Irreducible components of deformation spaces: wild 2-adic exercises |
Vytautas Paškūnas |
14 |
2013 |
The p-adic local Langlands correspondence for GL_2(Q_p) |
Vytautas Paškūnas |
13 |
2013 |
Patching and the p-adic local Langlands correspondence |
Vytautas Paškūnas |
12 |
2013 |
On a question of Mehta and Pauly |
Axel Stäbler |
11 |
2013 |
A diophantine equation for sums of consecutive like powers |
Stefan Müller-Stach |
10 |
2013 |
Hodge numbers for the cohomology of Calabi-Yau type local systems |
Henning Hollborn
Stefan Müller-Stach |
9 |
2013 |
Motives of graph hypersurfaces with torus operations |
Benjamin Westrich
Stefan Müller-Stach |
8 |
2013 |
Perverse Curves and Mirror Symmetry |
Helge Ruddat |
7 |
2013 |
V-filtrations in positive characteristic and test modules |
Axel Stäbler |
6 |
2013 |
Nonabelian Hodge theory in positive characterstic via exponential twisting |
Mao Sheng
Guitang Lan
Kang Zuo |
5 |
2013 |
On the slope of hyperelliptic fibrations with positive relative irregularity |
Kang Zuo
Xin Lu |
4 |
2013 |
Semistable Higgs bundles, periodic Higgs bundles and representations of algebraic fundamental groups |
Mao Sheng
Guitang Lan
Kang Zuo |
3 |
2013 |
On Shimura curves in the Torelli locus of curves |
Kang Zuo
Xin Lu |
2 |
2013 |
Semistable Higgs bundles of small ranks are strongly Higgs semistable |
Mao Sheng
Guitang Lan
Kang Zuo
Yanhong Yang |
1 |
2013 |
A new inequality on the Hodge number h1,1 of algebraic surfaces |
Fei Yu
Jun Lu
Kang Zuo |
26 |
2012 |
The motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants of (-2) curves |
Ben Davison
Sven Meinhardt |
25 |
2012 |
A generalized Bogomolov-Gieseker inequality for the three-dimensional projective space |
Emanuele Macrì |
24 |
2012 |
Symplectic automorphisms of K3 surfaces of arbitrary order |
Daniel Huybrechts |
23 |
2012 |
Blocks for mod p representations of GL2(Qp) |
Vytautas Paškūnas |
22 |
2012 |
On the Breuil-Mézard conjecture |
Vytautas Paškūnas |
21 |
2012 |
On base change of the fundamental group scheme |
Axel Stäbler |
20 |
2012 |
Picard-Fuchs equations for Feynman integrals |
Stefan Müller-Stach
Raphael Zayadeh |
19 |
2012 |
From motives to differential equations for loop integrals |
Stefan Müller-Stach
Raphael Zayadeh |
18 |
2012 |
Skeleta of Affine Hypersurfaces |
Helge Ruddat |
17 |
2012 |
Mirror duality of Landau-Ginzburg models via Discrete Legendre Transforms |
Helge Ruddat |
16 |
2012 |
Towards Mirror Symmetry for Varieties of General Type |
Helge Ruddat |
15 |
2012 |
Maximal families of Calabi-Yau manifolds with minimal length Yukawa coupling |
Mao Sheng
Kang Zuo |
14 |
2012 |
Semistable Higgs bundles and representations of algebraic fundamental groups: Positive characteristic case |
Mao Sheng
Guitang Lan
Kang Zuo |
13 |
2012 |
Periodic Higgs subbundles in positive and mixed characteristic |
Mao Sheng
Kang Zuo |
12 |
2012 |
An inverse Cartier transform via exponential in positive characteristic |
Mao Sheng
Guitang Lan
Kang Zuo |
11 |
2012 |
The Frobenius morphism on homogeneous spaces, I |
Alexander Samokhin |
10 |
2012 |
Weierstrass filtration on Teichmüller curves and Lyaponov exponents |
Kang Zuo
Fei Yu |
9 |
2012 |
A note on the characteristic \(p\) nonabelian Hodge theory in the geometric case |
Mao Sheng
Kang Zuo
Xin He |
8 |
2012 |
Linear independence of cluster monomials for skew-symmetric cluster algebras |
Giovanni Cerulli Irelli |
7 |
2012 |
Families of trianguline representations and finite slope spaces |
Eugen Hellmann |
6 |
2012 |
Families of p-adic Galois representations and (phi,Gamma)-modules |
Eugen Hellmann |
5 |
2012 |
On occult period maps |
Michael Rapoport |
4 |
2012 |
Projectivity and Birational Geometry of Bridgeland moduli spaces |
Emanuele Macrì |
3 |
2012 |
Stable maps and Chow groups |
Daniel Huybrechts |
2 |
2012 |
Negative curves on algebraic surfaces |
Stefan Müller-Stach |
1 |
2012 |
Moduli spaces of (G,h)-constellations |
Tanja Becker |
36 |
2011 |
On the Newton stratification of a Shimura curve of Hodge type: the case of corestriction |
Mao Sheng
Kang Zuo |
35 |
2011 |
$L^2$ and intersection cohomologies for the reductive representation of the fundamental groups of quasiprojective manifolds with unipotent local monodromy |
Xuanming Ye
Kang Zuo |
34 |
2011 |
On the Newton polygons of abelian varieties of Mumford's type |
Mao Sheng
Kang Zuo |
33 |
2011 |
Quiver Schur algebras and q-Fock space |
Catharina Stroppel |
32 |
2011 |
Motivic DT-invariants for the one loop quiver with potential |
Sven Meinhardt |
31 |
2011 |
Perfectoid spaces |
Peter Scholze |
30 |
2011 |
On the cohomology of compact unitary group Shimura varieties at ramified split places |
Peter Scholze |
29 |
2011 |
The Langlands-Kottwitz method and deformation spaces of $p$-divisible groups |
Peter Scholze |
28 |
2011 |
On the Iitaka fibration of varieties of maximal Albanese dimension |
Marti Lahoz-Vilalta |
27 |
2011 |
Introduction to stability conditions |
Daniel Huybrechts |
26 |
2011 |
Gorenstein-duality for one-dimensional almost complete intersections-with an application to non-isolated real singularities |
Duco van Straten |
25 |
2011 |
An Index Theorem for Modules on a Hypersurface Singularity |
Duco van Straten |
24 |
2011 |
F-signature of pairs: Continuity, p-fractals and minimal log discrepancies |
Manuel Blickle |
23 |
2011 |
A second-order differential equation for the two-loop sunrise graph with arbitrary masses |
Stefan Müller-Stach |
22 |
2011 |
On the relation between Nori motives and Kontsevich periods |
Stefan Müller-Stach |
21 |
2011 |
Mixed Hodge complexes and L2-cohomology for local systems on ball quotients |
Xuanming Ye
Kang Zuo
Stefan Müller-Stach |
20 |
2011 |
An alternative description of the Drinfeld p-adic half-plane |
Michael Rapoport |
19 |
2011 |
On families of weakly admissible filtered phi-modules and the adjoint quotient of GL_d |
Eugen Hellmann |
18 |
2011 |
Hodge-Witt cohomology and Witt-rational singularities |
Andre Chatzistamatiou
Kay Rülling |
17 |
2011 |
Notes on Deligne's letter to Drinfeld dated March 5, 2007 |
Hélène Esnault |
16 |
2011 |
On a positive equicharacteristic variant of the $p$-curvature conjecture |
Hélène Esnault |
16 |
2011 |
On a positive equicharacteristic variant of the $p$-curvature conjecture |
Hélène Esnault |
15 |
2011 |
Algebraic versus topological entropy for surfaces over finite fields |
Hélène Esnault |
14 |
2011 |
On the algebraic fundamental group of smooth varieties in characteristic p>0 |
Hélène Esnault |
13 |
2011 |
Shells of twisted flag varieties and non-decomposibility of the Rost invariant |
Viktor Petrov
JunProf. Nikita Semenov |
12 |
2011 |
The J-invariant and the Tits algebras of a linear algebraic group |
JunProf. Nikita Semenov |
11 |
2011 |
F-singularities via alterations |
Manuel Blickle |
10 |
2011 |
F-signature of pairs and the asymptotic behavior of Frobenius splittings |
Manuel Blickle |
9 |
2011 |
Bridgeland Stability conditions on threefolds II: An application to Fujita's conjecture |
Emanuele Macrì |
8 |
2011 |
Bridgeland Stability conditions on threefolds I: Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequalities |
Emanuele Macrì |
7 |
2011 |
Linearisations of triangulated categories with respect to finite group actions |
Pawel Sosna |
6 |
2011 |
Fourier-Mukai partners of canonical covers of bielliptic and Enriques surfaces |
Pawel Sosna |
5 |
2011 |
Period- and mirror-maps for the quartic K3 |
Heinrich Hartmann |
4 |
2011 |
A global Torelli theorem for hyperkaehler manifolds (after Verbitsky) |
Daniel Huybrechts |
3 |
2011 |
On modular Galois representations modulo prime powers |
Gabor Wiese |
2 |
2011 |
On Galois Representations of Weight One |
Gabor Wiese |
1 |
2011 |
On moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 or abelian surfaces |
Markus Zowislok |
56 |
2010 |
Generic bases for cluster algebras and the Chamber Ansatz |
Jan Schröer |
55 |
2010 |
Kac-Moody groups and cluster algebras |
Jan Schröer |
54 |
2010 |
Schubert varieties in twisted affine flag varieties and local models |
Timo Richarz |
53 |
2010 |
The Langlands-Kottwitz approach for the modular curve |
Peter Scholze |
52 |
2010 |
The Langlands-Kottwitz approach for some simple Shimura Varieties |
Peter Scholze |
51 |
2010 |
The Local Langlands correspondence for $\GL_n$ over $p$-adic fields |
Peter Scholze |
50 |
2010 |
Hall algebra approach to Drinfeld's presentation of quantum loop algebras |
Yong Jiang |
49 |
2010 |
Stopping Set Distributions of Some Linear Codes |
Yong Jiang |
48 |
2010 |
Euler characteristic of quiver Grassmannians and Ringel-Hall algebras of string algebras |
Nicolas Poettering |
47 |
2010 |
Quivers without loops admit global dimension 2 |
Nicolas Poettering |
46 |
2010 |
Symbolic Dynamics for the Geodesic Flow on Two-dimensional Hyperbolic Good Orbifolds |
Anke Pohl |
45 |
2010 |
Dolbeault cohomology of nilmanifolds with left-invariant complex structure |
Sönke Rollenske |
44 |
2010 |
Torsion in equivariant cohomology and Cohen-Macaulay G-actions |
Sönke Rollenske |
43 |
2010 |
Torsion and cotorsion in the sheaf of Kähler differentials on some mild singularities |
Sönke Rollenske |
42 |
2010 |
Blocks of restricted rational Cherednik algebras for $G(m,d,n)$ |
Maurizio Martino |
41 |
2010 |
A note on the Bloch-Beilinson conjecture for K3 surfaces and spherical objects |
Daniel Huybrechts |
40 |
2010 |
Stability conditions via spherical objects |
Daniel Huybrechts |
39 |
2010 |
Semi-stable vector bundles on elliptic curves and the associative Yang-Baxter equation |
Igor Burban
Thilo Henrich |
38 |
2010 |
Connectedness of Kisin varieties for GL_2 |
Eugen Hellmann |
37 |
2010 |
On arithmetic families of filtered phi-modules and crystalline representations |
Eugen Hellmann |
36 |
2010 |
Cusps of the Kähler moduli space and stability conditions on K3 surfaces |
Heinrich Hartmann |
35 |
2010 |
A characterization of special subvarieties in orthogonal Shimura varieties |
Kang Zuo
Stefan Müller-Stach |
34 |
2010 |
Finiteness of Subfamilies of Calabi-Yau n-Folds over Curves with Maximal Length of Yukawa-Coupling |
Kang Zuo |
33 |
2010 |
Canonical Class Inequality for Fibred Spaces |
Jun Lu
Kang Zuo |
32 |
2010 |
On the cohomology groups of local systems over Hilbert modular varieties via Higgs bundles |
Mao Sheng
Xuanming Ye
Kang Zuo
Stefan Müller-Stach |
31 |
2010 |
On the monodromy of the moduli space of Calabi-Yau threefolds coming from eight planes in $\mathbb{P}^3$ |
Mao Sheng
Ralf Gerkmann
Kang Zuo |
30 |
2010 |
Higgs bundles over good reduction of Shimura curve associated with quaternion division algebra |
Jiajin Zhang
Mao Sheng
Kang Zuo |
29 |
2010 |
Ekedahl-Oort and Newton strata for Shimura varieties of PEL type |
Eva Viehmann |
28 |
2010 |
Newton strata in the loop group of a reductive group |
Eva Viehmann |
27 |
2010 |
Foliations in deformation spaces of local G-shtukas |
Eva Viehmann |
26 |
2010 |
Generalized affine Springer fibers |
Eva Viehmann |
25 |
2010 |
Shimura varieties with \(\Gamma_1(p)\;\)-level via Hecke algebra isomorphisms: the Drinfeld case |
Michael Rapoport |
24 |
2010 |
Local models of Shimura varieties, I. Geometry and combinatorics |
Michael Rapoport |
23 |
2010 |
Derived categories and rationality of conic bundles |
Marcello Bernardara |
22 |
2010 |
The Euclid-Fourier-Mukai algorithm for elliptic surfaces |
Marcello Bernardara
Georg Hein |
21 |
2010 |
Finite group actions, rational fixed points and weak Néron models |
Hélène Esnault |
20 |
2010 |
On Abelian birational sections |
Hélène Esnault |
19 |
2010 |
Hyperkähler manifolds and sheaves |
Daniel Huybrechts |
18 |
2010 |
The Kapustin-Li formula revisited |
Daniel Murfet |
17 |
2010 |
Stability conditions under change of base field |
Pawel Sosna |
16 |
2010 |
Rational points over finite fields for regular models of algebraic varieties of Hodge type $\geq 1$ |
Kay Rülling
Hélène Esnault |
15 |
2010 |
On the Frobenius stable part of Witt vector cohomology |
Andre Chatzistamatiou |
14 |
2010 |
Higher direct images of the structure sheaf in positive characteristic |
Kay Rülling
Andre Chatzistamatiou |
13 |
2010 |
Intersections of special cycles on the Shimura variety for GU(1,2) |
Ulrich Terstiege |
12 |
2010 |
A short note on vector bundles on curves |
Martin Kreidl |
11 |
2010 |
On p-adic loop groups and Grassmannians |
Martin Kreidl |
10 |
2010 |
Dimensions of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties in affine flag varieties |
Ulrich Goertz |
9 |
2010 |
An example of an Sl_2-Hilbert scheme with multiplicities |
Tanja Becker |
8 |
2010 |
Notes on Feynman Integrals and Renormalization |
Christoph Bergbauer |
7 |
2010 |
Renormalization and resolution of singularities |
Christoph Bergbauer |
6 |
2010 |
On the Grassmannian homology of $\mathbbm{F}_2$ and $\mathbbm{F}_3$ |
Oliver Petras |
5 |
2010 |
Deformations of elliptic fibre bundles in positive characteristic |
Holger Partsch |
4 |
2010 |
Deformations of equivelar Stanley-Reisner Abelian surfaces |
Jan Arthur Christophersen |
3 |
2010 |
Algebraic Hecke characters and compatible systems of abelian mod p Galois representations over global fields |
Gebhard Böckle |
2 |
2010 |
Deformation rings for some mod 3 Galois representations of the absolute Galois group of Q3 |
Gebhard Böckle |
1 |
2010 |
The category of reduced orbifolds |
Anke Pohl |
60 |
2009 |
Test ideals via algebras of \(p^{-e}\)-linear maps |
Manuel Blickle |
59 |
2009 |
Weak Density of the Fundamental Group Scheme |
Hélène Esnault |
58 |
2009 |
Infinite genus surfaces and irrational polygonal billiards |
Jose Ferran Valdez-Lorenzo |
57 |
2009 |
Veech groups, irrational billiards and stable abelian differentials |
Jose Ferran Valdez-Lorenzo |
56 |
2009 |
Veech groups of Loch Ness monsters |
Jose Ferran Valdez-Lorenzo |
55 |
2009 |
Intersections of arithmetic Hirzebruch-Zagier cycles |
Ulrich Terstiege |
54 |
2009 |
Residues and duality for singularity categories of isolated Gorenstein singularities |
Daniel Murfet |
53 |
2009 |
Rouquier's cocovering theorem and well-generated triangulated categories |
Daniel Murfet |
52 |
2009 |
Totally acyclic complexes over noetherian schemes |
Daniel Murfet |
51 |
2009 |
On two examples by Iyama and Yoshino |
Daniel Murfet |
50 |
2009 |
Ford fundamental domains in symmetric spaces of rank one |
Anke Pohl |
49 |
2009 |
Deligne-Mumford compactification of the real multiplication locus and Teichmueller curves in genus three |
Martin Möller |
48 |
2009 |
Fano varieties of cubic fourfolds containing a plane |
Emanuele Macrì |
47 |
2009 |
The space of stability conditions on the local projective plane |
Emanuele Macrì |
46 |
2009 |
Chow groups and derived categories of K3 surfaces |
Daniel Huybrechts |
45 |
2009 |
Special cycles on unitary Shimura varieties II: global theory |
Michael Rapoport |
44 |
2009 |
Computing Congruences of Modular Forms and Galois Representations Modulo Prime Powers. |
Gabor Wiese |
43 |
2009 |
A Computational Study of the Asymptotic Behaviour of Coefficient Fields of Modular Forms. |
Gabor Wiese |
42 |
2009 |
Appendice à "Sur une question de compatibilité local-global modulo p'' par Christophe Breuil |
Lassina Dembélé |
41 |
2009 |
Nonsolvable number fields ramified only at 3 and 5 |
Lassina Dembélé |
40 |
2009 |
Lattice invariants from the heat kernel |
Juan Cervino
Georg Hein |
39 |
2009 |
Simply connected projective manifolds in characteristic p>0 have no nontrivial stratified bundles |
Hélène Esnault |
38 |
2009 |
On the homotopy exact sequence for Nori's fundamental group |
Phùng Hô Hai
Eckart Viehweg
Hélène Esnault |
37 |
2009 |
Lattice invariants from the heat kernel (II) |
Juan Cervino
Georg Hein |
36 |
2009 |
On a rationality question in the Grothendieck ring of varieties |
Eckart Viehweg
Hélène Esnault |
35 |
2009 |
The Conway-Sloane tetralattice pairs are non-isometric |
Juan Cervino
Georg Hein |
34 |
2009 |
Cohomology of graph hypersurfaces associated to certain Feynman graphs |
Dzmitry Doryn |
33 |
2009 |
Minimal \(\gamma\)--sheaves |
Manuel Blickle |
32 |
2009 |
Discreteness and rationality of F-jumping numbers on singular varieties |
Manuel Blickle |
31 |
2009 |
Cartier Modules: finiteness results |
Manuel Blickle
Gebhard Böckle |
30 |
2009 |
Demazure resolutions as varieties of lattices with infinitesimal structure |
Martin Kreidl |
29 |
2009 |
Rationality and Chow-Kuenneth decompositions for some moduli stacks of curves |
Stefan Müller-Stach |
28 |
2009 |
A quintic hypersurface in P8(C) with many nodes |
Duco van Straten |
27 |
2009 |
Hodge classes associated to 1-parameter families of Calabi-Yau 3-folds |
Duco van Straten
Kang Zuo
Stefan Müller-Stach |
26 |
2009 |
Stability of tautological vector bundles on Hilbert squares of surfaces |
Ulrich Schlickewei |
25 |
2009 |
On the Andre motive of certain irreducible symplectic varieties |
Ulrich Schlickewei |
24 |
2009 |
Functional equations of the dilogarithm in motivic cohomology |
Oliver Petras |
23 |
2009 |
The Hodge conjecture for self-products of certain K3 surfaces |
Ulrich Schlickewei |
22 |
2009 |
Truncations of level 1 of elements in the loop group of a reductive group |
Eva Viehmann |
21 |
2009 |
The classification of isotrivial fibred surfaces with \(p_g=q=2\) |
Sönke Rollenske |
20 |
2009 |
Compact moduli for certain Kodaira fibrations |
Sönke Rollenske |
19 |
2009 |
Geometry of nilmanifolds with left-invariant complex structure and deformations in the large |
Sönke Rollenske |
18 |
2009 |
On the Galois cohomology of unipotent algebraic groups over local fields |
Nguyen Duy Tan |
17 |
2009 |
Hodge cohomology of Nori étale finite bundles |
Doàn Trung Cuong |
16 |
2009 |
Two small remarks on Nori fundamental group scheme |
Phùng Hô Hai
Hélène Esnault |
15 |
2009 |
Nonsolvable number fields ramified only at 3 and 5 |
Lassina Dembélé |
14 |
2009 |
Lattice invariants from the heat kernel |
Juan Cervino
Georg Hein |
13 |
2009 |
Simply connected projective manifolds in characteristic p>0 have no nontrivial stratified bundles |
Hélène Esnault |
12 |
2009 |
The image of the coefficient space in the universal deformation space |
Eugen Hellmann |
11 |
2009 |
A categorical invariant for cubic threefolds |
Emanuele Macrì
Marcello Bernardara |
10 |
2009 |
Derived equivalent conjugate K3 surfaces |
Pawel Sosna |
9 |
2009 |
On Modular Forms and the Inverse Galois Problem |
Gabor Wiese |
8 |
2009 |
On mod p representations which are defined over F_p: II |
Gabor Wiese |
7 |
2009 |
Matrixgleichungen und Familien abelscher Varietäten in positiver Charakteristik |
Ulrich Goertz |
6 |
2009 |
Abelian birational sections in characteristic 0 |
Hélène Esnault |
5 |
2009 |
Faltings' construction of the moduli space of vector bundles on a smooth projective curve |
Georg Hein |
4 |
2009 |
SU(r,L) is separably unirational |
Georg Hein |
3 |
2009 |
Postnikov-Stability versus Semistability of Sheaves |
Georg Hein |
2 |
2009 |
Minimal bundles and fine moduli spaces |
Georg Hein |
1 |
2009 |
Hodge cohomology of étale Nori finite bundles |
Doàn Trung Cuong |
54 |
2008 |
On the structure of some moduli spaces of finite flat group schemes |
Eugen Hellmann |
53 |
2008 |
Symbolic dynamics for the geodesic flow on locally symmetric orbifolds of rank one |
Anke Pohl |
52 |
2008 |
On the Existence of Symplectic Resolutions of Symplectic Reductions |
Tanja Becker |
51 |
2008 |
Zariski decomposition of B-divisors |
Alex Küronya |
50 |
2008 |
A non-solvable Galois extension of Q ramified at 2 only |
Lassina Dembélé |
49 |
2008 |
Characteristic foliation on a hypersurface of general type in a projective symplectic manifold |
Eckart Viehweg |
48 |
2008 |
Arakelov (in)equalities |
Eckart Viehweg |
47 |
2008 |
Remarks on cycle classes of sections of the arithmetic fundamental group |
Hélène Esnault |
46 |
2008 |
The Newton stratification on deformations of local G-shtuka |
Eva Viehmann |
45 |
2008 |
Hyperelliptic integrals and generalized arithmetic-geometric mean |
Duco van Straten |
44 |
2008 |
The Calogero-Moser partition for wreath products |
Maurizio Martino |
43 |
2008 |
Kobayashi geodesics in \(A_g\) |
Martin Möller
Eckart Viehweg |
42 |
2008 |
Infinitesimal Derived Torelli Theorem for K3 surfaces |
Emanuele Macrì |
41 |
2008 |
Formal deformations and their categorical general fibre |
Emanuele Macrì
Daniel Huybrechts |
40 |
2008 |
Chow groups of K3 surfaces and spherical objects |
Daniel Huybrechts |
39 |
2008 |
Deformation-obstruction theory for complexes via Atiyah and Kodaira--Spencer classes |
Daniel Huybrechts |
38 |
2008 |
Ekedahl-Oort strata and Kottwitz-Rapoport strata |
Ulrich Goertz |
37 |
2008 |
On the connectedness of Deligne-Lusztig varieties |
Ulrich Goertz |
36 |
2008 |
The supersingular locus in Siegel modular varieties with Iwahori level structure |
Ulrich Goertz |
35 |
2008 |
Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties in affine flag varieties |
Ulrich Goertz |
34 |
2008 |
Some questions about \(\mathcal G\)-bundles on curves |
Michael Rapoport |
33 |
2008 |
On parahoric subgroups |
Michael Rapoport |
32 |
2008 |
Special cycles on unitary Shimura varieties I. Unramified local theory |
Michael Rapoport |
31 |
2008 |
Quotient categories, stability conditions, and birational geometry |
Holger Partsch
Sven Meinhardt |
30 |
2008 |
Examples of Calabi-Yau 3-manifolds with complex multiplication |
Jan Christian Rohde |
29 |
2008 |
Compactifications of smooth families and of moduli spaces of polarized manifolds |
Eckart Viehweg |
28 |
2008 |
Parabolic Raynaud bundles |
Georg Hein |
27 |
2008 |
Generalization of a criterion for semistable vector bundles |
Georg Hein |
26 |
2008 |
On semistable vector bundles over curves |
Norbert Hoffmann
Georg Hein |
25 |
2008 |
Seshadri constants and surfaces of minimal degree |
Wioletta Rülling
Tomasz Szemberg |
24 |
2008 |
Seshadri constants on surfaces of general type |
Tomasz Szemberg |
23 |
2008 |
Seshadri constants and the generation of jets |
Tomasz Szemberg |
22 |
2008 |
Cycle class of a section and pro-nilpotent completion of the fundamental group |
Hélène Esnault |
21 |
2008 |
F-thresholds of hypersurfaces |
Manuel Blickle |
20 |
2008 |
Minimal \(\gamma\) sheaves |
Manuel Blickle |
19 |
2008 |
On projective linear groups over finite fields as Galois groups over the rational numbers (revised version) |
Gabor Wiese |
18 |
2008 |
Zahlentheorie und Geometrie vereint in der Serre-Vermutung |
Gabor Wiese |
17 |
2008 |
On the generation of the coefficient field of a newform by a single Hecke eigenvalue |
Gabor Wiese |
16 |
2008 |
Computing Hilbert modular forms for fields with nontrivial class group |
Lassina Dembélé |
15 |
2008 |
An algorithm for modular elliptic curves over real quadratic fields |
Lassina Dembélé |
14 |
2008 |
On the computation of algebraic modular forms |
Lassina Dembélé |
13 |
2008 |
Computing Hilbert-Siegel modular forms over \(Q(\sqrt{5})\) via the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence |
Lassina Dembélé |
12 |
2008 |
Moduli spaces for principal bundles in arbitrary characteristic |
Alexander Schmitt |
11 |
2008 |
Geometric Invariant Theory and Decorated Principal Bundles |
Alexander Schmitt |
10 |
2008 |
Yau's Form of Schwarz Lemma and Arakelov Inequality on Moduli Spaces of Projective Manifolds |
Kang Zuo |
9 |
2008 |
Small Resolutions and Non-Liftable Calabi-Yau Threefolds |
Duco van Straten |
8 |
2008 |
Remarks on derived equivalences of Ricci-flat manifolds |
Daniel Huybrechts
Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen |
7 |
2008 |
Supersingular Kottwitz-Rapoport strata and Deligne-Lusztig varieties |
Ulrich Goertz |
6 |
2008 |
Classical and quantum integrability |
Mauricio Garay
Duco van Straten |
5 |
2008 |
Frobenius polynomials for Calabi-Yau equations |
Kira Samol
Duco van Straten |
4 |
2008 |
Elliptic fibrations and symplectic automorphisms on K3 surfaces |
Alessandra Sarti |
3 |
2008 |
Non-symplectic automorphisms of order three on K3 surfaces |
Alessandra Sarti |
2 |
2008 |
On the Néron-Severi group of surfaces with many lines |
Alessandra Sarti |
1 |
2008 |
Relative proportionality for subvarieties of moduli spaces of K3 and abelian surfaces |
Eckart Viehweg
Kang Zuo
Stefan Müller-Stach |
39 |
2007 |
The Calogero-Moser partition and Rouquier families for complex reflection groups |
Maurizio Martino |
38 |
2007 |
Disproof of modularity of moduli space of CY 3-folds of double covers of P3 ramified along eight planes in general positions |
Mao Sheng
Ralf Gerkmann
Kang Zuo |
37 |
2007 |
Calabi-Yau like PVHS and characteristic subvariety over bounded symmetric domains |
Mao Sheng
Kang Zuo |
36 |
2007 |
Apéry limits of differential equations of order 4 and 5 |
Duco van Straten |
35 |
2007 |
Semicanonical bases and preprojective algebras II: A multiplication formula |
Jan Schröer |
34 |
2007 |
Auslander algebras and initial seeds for cluster algebras |
Jan Schröer |
33 |
2007 |
Bruhat order for two subspaces and a flag |
Evgeny Smirnov |
32 |
2007 |
Completely periodic directions and orbit closures of many pseudo-Anosov Teichmueller discs in Q(1,1,1,1) |
Martin Möller |
31 |
2007 |
Differential equations associated with nonarithmetic Fuchsian groups |
Martin Möller |
30 |
2007 |
The global structure of moduli spaces of polarized p-divisible groups |
Eva Viehmann |
29 |
2007 |
On the Hodge-Newton filtration for p-divisible O-modules |
Eva Viehmann |
28 |
2007 |
Local Models in the ramified case. III. Unitary groups |
Michael Rapoport |
27 |
2007 |
Deligne-Lusztig varieties and period domains over finite fields |
Michael Rapoport |
26 |
2007 |
Automorphisms and autoequivalences of generic analytic K3 surfaces |
Emanuele Macrì |
25 |
2007 |
Inducing stability conditions |
Emanuele Macrì |
24 |
2007 |
Stability conditions on curves |
Emanuele Macrì |
23 |
2007 |
Stability conditions on generic complex tori |
Sven Meinhardt |
22 |
2007 |
Derived equivalences of K3 surfaces and orientation |
Emanuele Macrì
Daniel Huybrechts |
21 |
2007 |
Calogero-Moser space, reduced rational Cherednik algebras, and two-sided cells |
Maurizio Martino |
20 |
2007 |
Chow-Künneth decompositions for special varieties |
Stefan Müller-Stach |
19 |
2007 |
L2–vanishing theorems on ball quotients and applications |
Kang Zuo
Stefan Müller-Stach |
18 |
2007 |
Differential equations associated to families of algebraic cycles |
Stefan Müller-Stach |
17 |
2007 |
The Milnor-Chow homomorphism revisited |
Stefan Müller-Stach |
16 |
2007 |
Cyclic coverings, Calabi-Yau manifolds and Complex multiplication |
Jan Christian Rohde |
15 |
2007 |
Algebraic differential characters of flat connections with nilpotent residues |
Hélène Esnault |
14 |
2007 |
Hodge cohomology of invertible sheaves |
Hélène Esnault |
13 |
2007 |
Tate motives and the fundamental group |
Hélène Esnault |
12 |
2007 |
Effective Iitaka fibrations |
Eckart Viehweg |
11 |
2007 |
Raynaud vector bundles |
Georg Hein |
10 |
2007 |
Stability of Hodge bundles and a numerical characterization of Shimura varieties |
Martin Möller
Eckart Viehweg
Kang Zuo |
9 |
2007 |
Congruence for rational points over finite fields and coniveau over local fields |
Hélène Esnault |
8 |
2007 |
Postnikov-Stability for Complexes |
Georg Hein |
7 |
2007 |
N-homogeneous superalgebras |
Phùng Hô Hai |
6 |
2007 |
Coniveau over p-adic fields and points over finite fields |
Hélène Esnault |
5 |
2007 |
Packets in Grothendieck's Section Conjecture |
Phùng Hô Hai
Hélène Esnault |
4 |
2007 |
An effective and sharp lower bound on Seshadri constants on surfaces with Picard number 1 |
Tomasz Szemberg |
3 |
2007 |
Linear manifolds in the moduli space of one-forms |
Martin Möller |
2 |
2007 |
The Arnoux-Yoccoz Teichmüller disc |
Martin Möller |
1 |
2007 |
On Shimura curves in the Schottky locus |
Stefan Kukulies |