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Integrated Research Training Group

The Integrated Research Training Group optimizes working conditions for doctoral students inside SFB/Transregio 45 in cooperation with local graduate studies. Thematic summer schools will be organized twice a year.

The overall goal is to increase knowledge and skills of students and improve their mobility and visibility in the scientific community. Students are involved in steering committees.


Graduate Courses and Seminars

Every semester we organize seminars and courses especially designed for students in the integrated research training group. They take place at one location (either Bonn, Essen or Mainz) and students are supposed to travel regularly to these events which may take place weekly or during certain periods in block form. These courses/seminars are complemented by biannual summer schools which are announced under the events.

Study Program

The study program consists of the following components:

Event Duration Frequency Aimed at
Meeting of doctoral students
1-2 days
annual students only
Spring/Summer School
1 week
two each year
students, post-docs
1 each year
Young Researchers Conference
1 week
every 2 years
students, post-docs yes
Master Classes
≤ 6 lectures
≥ two each year
students, post-docs *
Kleine AG
weekend several each year
students, post-docs *
SFB seminar
1 day
every 2-3 weeks
during semester
all *
Local colloquia, seminars and
2 hours
weekly all yes
*) decided by advisors depending on the topic of the corresponding seminar/lecture.


Recruitment and admission, formal requirements

Admission to the Integrated Research Training Group is open for everyone who has an internationally recognized
degree (Master, Diplom) in mathematics with a grade better than or equal to 2.0 and has the potential and intention
to work in the research areas of SFB/Transregio 45. In principle, members can be financed through auxiliary support inside SFB/Transregio 45, via core support or other third--party grants.

Bachelor degrees (Univ.) or exceptional master degrees (e.g. Fachhochschule) can be accepted under the rules of our  local universities ("Fast Track'").

An official application as a doctoral student requires:

  • Curriculum vitae (with degrees, examinations, dates)
  • Up to one-page essay, indicating the research field interests and motivation for this application
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Certified copies of high school graduation and of each university degree
  • Indication of name of proposed advisor inside SFB/Transregio 45


Students without TOEFL certificate are obliged to enroll in a language class as soon as possible.

To optimize the mathematical entry level for a dissertation and to attract new candidates for positions, we offer short time qualification stipends for students. For this funding period the qualification fellowships can be extended to up to 6 months. 


The local universities support the training of doctoral students, see


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« January 2025 »