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Talks, Dates, other Events

 Title   Type 
Event Special L-values of t-motives: a conjecture Event
Event Grothendieck ring of varieties and piecewise geometry Event
Event Formal properties of Mixed Hodge Structures Event
Event Singular case 2: Simplicial Hodge Theory Event
Event Degenerations 1: Nilpotent Orbit Event
Event t.b.a. Event
Event Application of slope inequality for semi-stable families Event
Event Bloch-Esnault-Kreimer § 2 Event
Event A linear algebra identity, its categorification, and the Coxeter transformation Event
Event Ringel-Hall algebras in characteristic zero (II); Ringel-Hall-Stokes-Fourier-Laplace Event
Event A conjectural characterization of the weight filtration of the character variety of a Riemann surface Event
Event Kettenbrueche und Renormierung Event
Event A non-properness theorem for F-trivial bundles over curves in char p Event
Event P-units in ray class fields of real quadratic number fields Event
Event Mazur's inequality, toric varieties, and the numbers game, 1 Event
Event The isogeny conjecture for A-motives Event
Event The period field B_dr Event
Event Semi-stable representations and filtered (phi,N)-modules Event
Event Main Theorems Event
Event Global log canonical thresholds of Fano varieties and their applications Event
Event Small course on the Grothendieck ring of varieties II. Event
Event Small course in geometry: weak Néron model II Event
Event Semi-stable model, motivic Serre invariant Event
Event Bloch-Esnault-Kreimer § 5 Event
Event Lubin-Tate- und Drinfeldbündel Event
Event Sen's Theta-operator and C-admissible representations Event
Event Etale Cohomology I Event
Event The Langlands-Kottwitz approach to the zeta function in the case of Gamma(p), 2 Event
Event Automorphic L-invariants for reductive groups Event
Event On the cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties II Event
Event Moduli spaces of cubic threefolds and of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds Event
Event When is the first Hochschild cohomology solvable? Event
Event Lagrangian fibrations II Event
Event On surjective endomorphisms of Calabi-Yau varieties Event
Event Perfectoid Harris-Taylor Shimura varieties and a quotient of the Lubin-Tate tower Event
Event Height functions with respect to big divisors, proximity functions, Vojta’s conjecture and the Arithmetic General Theorem Event
Event K-stability, Kähler-Einstein metrics, and the work of Fujita Event
Event Affine and Beilison-Drinfeld Grassmannians Event
Event Unstable operations in small theories Event
Event Periods of Hodge structures and special values of the gamma function Event
Event The modular curve at infinite level and the HT period map Event
Event Completed cohomology; comparison theorems Event
Event Application: Galois representations Event
Event Supersingular K3 surfaces are unirational Event
Event Vojta's method Event
Event On the automorphy of 2-dimensional potentially semistable deformation rings of GQp Event
Event Rational points on elliptic curves over function fields Event
Event Invariants of Modules Defined by Varieties of Nilpotent Operators Event
Event Special SFB Seminar in Essen Event
Event Compact moduli of noncommutative algebraic varieties via quivers Event
Event Regular singularities and tame ramification Event
Event Cluster combinatorics and surface cluster algebras Event
Event On mod p non-abelian Lubin-Tate theory for GL(2), 1 Event
Event Motivic equivalence of algebraic groups Event
Event The base change conductor and a refined Artin conductor Event
Event Elliptic curves, hyperelliptic curves and coverings of degree 2 Event
Event Quiver varieties and derived categories I Event
Event Intersection cohomology of quiver moduli and Donaldson-Thomas theory Event
Event tba Event
Event An arithmetic transfer identity Event
Event Excursion operators, and pseudorepresentations Event
Event Workshop on motivic homotopy groups of spheres Event
Event Curves on threefolds Event
Event Multiplicity one of regular Serre weights Event
Event Deligne-Lusztig-Varietäten I Event
Event Deligne-Lusztig-Varietäten II Event
Event Doktorandentreffen / Meeting of the PhD students Event
Event Cohomological Hasse principle - Second meeting Event
Event Cohomological Hasse principle - Third meeting Event
Event Some easy examples Event
Event Modules over A_\infty algebras Hall algebras Event
Event On the diagonal subalgebra of an Ext-algebra Event
Event Categorical Heisenberg and related structures Event
Event Bloch–Ogus theory Event
Event Maximal green sequences for preprojective algebras Event
Event tba Event
Event Geometric local epsilon factors Event
Event On the Hasse-Weil conjecture Event
Event How to compute regulators using Arakelov intersection theory Event
Event Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of the powers of an ideal Event
Event Prisms Event
Event K-theory and the question `Is there an equivariant Haar measure?’ Event
Event Local model of Hilbert-Siegel varieties in Gamma_1(p)-level Event
Event The S -unit equation Event
Event The Kodaira-Parshin family has full monodromy I Event
Event Braid group actions from Heisenberg categorification Event
Event Generating series for KR-cycles on unitary Shimura varieties Event
Event Stratifying cohomology via derived de Rham complexes Event
Event Spring School: Rational Curves and Contact Geometry Event
Event The contraderived category of linear factorizations and Khovanov-Rozansky knot homology Event
Event Wonder of sine-Gordon Y-systems Event
Event Die Springer-Korrespondenz,2 Event
Event Tilting on non-commutative rational curves and gentle algebras as degenerations of elliptic curves Event
Event Some ideas in derived geometry Event
Event The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence II Event
Event Embedding Problems, rational points, and Schinzel's hypothesis H for polynomial rings Event
Event The Euclid-Fourier-Mukai Algorithm Event
Event Du Bois Singularities Event
Event Multiplier Ideals and Finite Morphisms in Positive Characteristic Event
Event Poisson Geometry, Symplectic Cores and Cluster Algebras: Applications Event
Document Actions
November 2020 »